Due to inclement weather, tonight’s reading of A Dog Named Boo has been postponed. The tentative rescheduled date and time is April 5th, 2014 at 3:00 PM.
Category: Book Signings
A Dog Named Boo reading on December 10th!
Lisa (and Boo!) will be reading A Dog Named Boo on Tuesday, December 10th at 7:00 PM at the Hendrick Hudson Free Library in Montrose, NY!
A Dog Named Boo signing on Saturday, October 26th!
Lisa will be signing copies of A Dog Named Boo on Saturday, October 26th at the 2013 APDT Conference!
Reminder: A Dog Named Boo reading tomorrow night!
The Kent Public Library in Carmel, NY is having a reading and signing of A Dog Named Boo tomorrow night, January 29th!
A Dog Named Boo Reading at the Kent Public Library!
The Kent Public Library in Carmel, NY is having a reading and signing of A Dog Named Boo on January 29th!